The California Tort Claims Act allows individuals to sue the state government in limited circumstances, such as premises liability cases. Experienced San Francisco Bay-Area Attorneys Represent Victims of Intentional Torts Helping You Pursue Compensation After Suffering a Nonphysical Injury.If you were injured on government-owned property, call an experienced Oakland premises liability attorney at Spencer Young Law today for a free consultation. The City of Oakland has a standard claim form that can be used for your convenience. Instead of proving fault, you must show that you were exposed to a dangerous substance, and it was the direct cause of your medical condition. Strict liability is a legal doctrine that imposes liability on a defendant without fault. Speak to a seasoned Oakland personal injury attorney in complete confidence. At no cost and no obligation. Call 833-893-6763 or reach out online today for a free consultation. A study of basic law relating to the civil wrong as applied to personal and property damage.