Block 1, First-Class Mail. Use Standard Form 95 (PDF)(2 pp, 539 K) to file claims for loss of employment, loss of income, loss or damage to property, or other claims.In other words, fill out an inmate request to staff member ("copout" form) and then follow the official grievance procedure beginning with a BP-9. To file a claim against the City for bodily injury, auto, and property damage, you must complete the General Claim Form. A guide to completing SF-95 and a sample attachment are included in this packet. 4. Make notes for yourself before you begin to fill out forms. In order to have a claim against the federal government, notice must be sent in the form of a Standard Form 95 (SF-95). States, 340 U.S. 135 (1950)). Does the Federal Tort Claims Act apply to health center employees? Yes, in certain circumstances.