An emotional distress lawsuit can be a confusing, frustrating process. Your options for restitution are dependent on the cause of the distress.Fortunately, Pennsylvania law provides five exceptions that guarantee you full tort rights even if you purchased a limited tort insurance policy: Call Our Experienced Philadelphia Mass Tort Lawyers Today at 215-608-9645. A psychiatrist's negligence or errors in diagnosis and treatment can have serious consequences. Our Pennsylvania personal injury attorneys explain negligence in personal injury claims and what to do if you were hurt as a result of negligence. Let our team of Best Lawyer and Super Lawyer-awarded personal injury attorneys represent you: 215-608-9645. Call Anapol Weiss today! With proper proof, one court has held that the same could be true of mental disorders or psychiatric problems, though presumably, such conditions would have to. There three main types of damages available in personal injury case in Pennsylvania are economic damages, noneconomic damages, and punitive damages.