First, two key pieces of evidence must be presented: eyewitness testimony and tangible proof such as photos or videos from the scene. Arizona's courts, like most courts, have wrestled with the limits of tort liability in negligence cases.Our Reference Guide covers many areas of Arizona law, highlighting the most common issues associated with civil litigation. Our Phoenix government negligence attorneys explain government tort claims, and how they can help injured victims. Aspects of product liability can become complex. Learn about strict liability vs negligence in product liability cases here. Under the FTCA, the federal government acts as a self-insurer, and recognizes liability for the negligent or wrongful acts or omissions of its employees. We also can advise you on your legal options. If someone injures or otherwise harms you on purpose, you may be able to file an intentional tort claim against them for money damages. Our Phoenix personal injury lawyers will do everything possible to help improve our clients' lives.