Our Phoenix government negligence attorneys can help you through the process of bringing a claim against the state. First, two key pieces of evidence must be presented: eyewitness testimony and tangible proof such as photos or videos from the scene.Auto and homeowners' policies are the two most common types of tort insurance policies in effect today. Fighting against agent negligence and the bad faith actions of insurance companies, providing Phoenix residents with honest representation, call today. Arizona's fault insurance law uses a tortbased system to determine liability for an auto accident. Under the FTCA, the federal government acts as a self-insurer, and recognizes liability for the negligent or wrongful acts or omissions of its employees. If someone injures or otherwise harms you on purpose, you may be able to file an intentional tort claim against them for money damages. The exact amount that will be taken out of your award will be based on your assigned percentage of liability. Notice of claim forms must be hand delivered or mailed to the Office of the Attorney General, 2005 N. Central Avenue, Phoenix, Arizona 85004. John Kelly is a Phoenix personal injury Lawyer who can help you recover all the compensation you deserve.