State the monetary amount in controversy or place an "X" next to the discovery tier to which the pleadings allege the case would belong under Rule 26.2. Pima County Sheriff Mark Napier and Deputy Joseph Klein appeal a jury verdict against them for injuries plaintiff Brian McDonald sustained when he was bitten.Premises liability is an action in tort and, with a few exceptions, is generally based upon allegations of negligence. In this negligence action, the Supreme Court held that a negligence claim based solely on an officer's intentional use of physical force is inappropriate. EXPRESS ASSUMTION OF RISK: Should people be allowed to contract out of negligence liability in the first place? The court stated: "The only acts alleged in the tort counts were those of the clerk and her deputy, and the justice of the peace. The following is a select list of Arizona treatises and practice guides in the Law Library. Arizona Legal Research (Tamara Herrera, 2021) A common example of a tort entails negligence.