Pursuant to New York State Insurance Law Regulation 68, no fault related notices of claim must be filed within 30 days of the date of accident. Absolute liability, also known as strict liability, means that the plaintiff does not have to prove negligence on the part of the defendant.New York is a "nofault" state, meaning that you do not need to rely on an insurance carrier to determine fault to collect on a claim. Contact our Queens, NY injury firm today at (888) 888-8888 if you were injured due to no fault of your own. Most cases involving personal injury in New York City are based on negligence or negligence per se. The first element of a negligence claim or tort is duty. This means that everyone has a level of duty to the public, for instance, not causing a car crash. This compilation of recent court decisions is a member benefit of the Torts, Insurance and Compensation Law (TICL) Section. Although a tort is not the same as a crime, many intentional torts are also crimes. As we go about our business in the world, we have a duty not to act in ways that pose an unreasonable danger to others.