Torts can also be committed on purposewhen a tort is committed on purpose, or intentionally, it is called an intentional tort. In a case alleging other types of torts, such as fraud, property damage, or emotional distress, counsel should state: the nature of.There are three main types of torts: intentional, negligent, and strict liability. Call and speak to one of our Riverside personal injury lawyers today at (951) 682-6400 or fill out a contact form and we will call you. There are three main types of torts: intentional, negligent, and strict liability. Tort cases arise when one individual files a civil suit against another party for allegedly causing damages in question. Call (855) 735-5945 or fill out the form to schedule your free consultation. View on Westlaw or start a FREE TRIAL today, Amisi v. Riverside Regional Jail Authority, Cases. Susan Nauss Exon, Esq.