If you have been injured on another person's property, you may be liable to receive compensation. In Texas, you must generally file a property damage lawsuit within two years of the date of the damage.Tort Claims Act Basics. To prove negligence you need 4 elements: 1) duty, 2) breach of duty, 3) causation, and 4) damages. To file a claim for personal injury or property damage pertaining to city property, you must first notify the Office of the City Clerk in writing. Our personal injury attorney in San Antonio will work relentlessly to acquire evidence in order to develop your best arguments in support of your case. It is prudent to seek the advice of an experienced San Antonio personal injury attorney before filing an insurance claim. It is an affirmative defense to liability in a civil action brought against a physician or health care provider for a violation of Section 170A. Once you and your attorney have identified potential defendants, the next step is to file an insurance claim. Holding Negligent Parties Accountable.