Our firm has handled many medical malpractice claims for clients in the San Diego area, be they military or HMO medical malpractice cases, with stellar results. A tort is conduct that results in injury or wrongful death to another person.Tort law includes negligent acts and intentional torts. There are various types of torts in California that can affect the personal injury lawsuit process. Learn more about torts in our blog post. Among the diverse landscape of tortious acts, a prominent category emerges in the healthcare realm: medical malpractice. Learn about the rules and procedures for filing a personal injury lawsuit against the state of California or a local California government. The Federal Tort Claims Act prescribes a uniform procedure for handling of claims against the United States, for money damages only. This means someone intentionally or knowingly caused harm. The California Tort Claims Act (CTCA) is a sovereign immunity law that protects the state government from liability in certain personal injury cases.