Look around for more while you're here. Day students take five required courses in each of the two semesters of their first year.A Civil Action Cover Sheet must be filed in each civil case entered into Superior Court. Prima facie tort protects plaintiffs from defendants who harm them with malicious intent, but in a way that is not technically or specifically unlawful. The two main types of personal injury damages are general and special damages, also known as noneconomic and economic damages. In New York, trespassing on other people's land is a tort. The tort of trespass to land protects people's right to exclude others from their property. Under modern law, there are three broad categories of torts: intentional torts, negligence-based torts and strict liability torts. If he or she fails to put up the sign and someone falls and injures themselves, a negligence tort case may be filed. Examples of negligence torts.