Texas has adopted a three-part test to guide courts in the application of qualified or official immunity. Basics of Section 101.106 of the Texas Tort Claims Act.A. The Texas Tort Claims Act and Election of Remedies. What Is the Tort Law in Texas? Tort law in Texas and other states is the body of law that addresses civil, as opposed to criminal, wrongs. The TTCA provides a partial waiver of immunity of the State of Texas and its various political subdivisions, including cities, counties, and school districts. Here, our experienced Houston personal injury lawyers explain the most important things that you need to know about the Texas Tort Claims Act. In order to prevail in a premise liability claim, the Texas Tort Claims Act further breaks defects into two classes: special defects and premise defects. The Texas Tort Claims Act is may affect you if you were injured on government land. Find out more about the Texas Tort Claims Act and how it may affect you.