In many jurisdictions, this rule is known as the "impact rule" and it requires some physical injury before negligence liability may attach. 78B-4-101 Definitions.As used in this part: (1) "Damage or injury" includes physical, nonphysical, economic, and noneconomic damage. Here is a list of common and not so common negligence money damages lawsuits in Utah. The cornerstone of "Tort" law is negligence. Plaintiff might suffer a psychiatric illness as a result of the defendant's negligence. Statutes Governing Damages and Liability. In the state of Utah, a person can levy a personal injury suit if they are harmed as a result of the negligence or intention of another party. In negligence actions, each party against whom recovery is allowed shall be liable to the claimant only for such party's proportionate share of the damages. Here is a list of common and not so common negligence money damages lawsuits in Utah.