No defendant is liable to any person seeking recovery for any amount in excess of the proportion of fault attributed to that defendant under Section 78B-5-819. Description of the acts covered under tort law such as intentional, negligent, and strict torts.Utah is a no-fault state. There are certain exceptions to this fact, such as in Utah, which is a "no-fault" state. In negligence torts, plaintiffs must prove that a defendant owed them a duty of care or safety, breached that duty, and that. Here is a list of common and not so common negligence money damages lawsuits in Utah. SECTION 1 - NEGLIGENCE. Pure comparative fault. In tort actions for death or injury to person or property, no defendant shall be liable for an amount greater than its percentage of the negligence. For example, under Utah law, your possible recovery in a negligence claim can lessen based on your own fault, if any.