One of the most common forms of personal injury tort liability arises from car accidents. Negligent torts, where someone violated a duty they owed to the person harmed, such as running a red light and causing an accident.Put simply, negligence has four elements: duty of care, breach of duty of care, causation, and damages. One of the elements of negligence is "damages," meaning the plaintiff must have suffered injuries or loss for the defendant to be held liable. A tort resting from negligence would include a driver following too closely and accidentally rearending the car in front. The defendant is liable if the dangerous character actually and proximately causes the plaintiff damages. -Note: many courts impute the negligence of the primary victim against recovery for the plaintiff here. A common example of a tort entails negligence. You also need to show that the other party's carelessness, recklessness, or negligence caused the injury. One way to assess proximate cause is to evaluate the foreseeability of the defendant's actions resulting in harm.