Submit the completed Washington State Tort Claim form to the following fax number: 360-507-9251. Giving the injured party the information they need to understand what a tort claim is, when it's needed, and how to file a tort claim.For cases like car accident claims and personal injury legal matters, Washington is an atfault state, not a nofault state. As mentioned above, Washington State uses a tort system, not a no-fault system. The Washington Tort Claims Act dictates how a claim is filed against the state government for damages following an accident. In Washington, we use a system called pure comparative negligence, which means drivers can collect damages based on their share of fault. Tort cases are civil lawsuits that arise from personal injury, harm, property damage, or loss. Negligence (carelessness) can result from simple inattention or indifference, and an intentional act does not actually require intent to harm. Pure comparative fault. Pure comparative fault.