You can buy or renew a dog license at your local veterinarian's office, the Pet Adoption and Protection Center or any one of the 311 Service Centers. Previous Owner's Information.This comprises Miami-Dade County, Florida's animal-related ordinances. Among the ordinances of note include a voluntary registration program for cats. In Florida, all dogs and cats 4 months of age and older must have a current US Department of Agriculture (USDA) approved rabies vaccination. You sold your dog with no contract, so you have no right to "repossess" the dog. Florida law and federal law prohibit discrimination against people with service dogs and provide some protections for those with emotional support animals. For owned animals: You must show proof of ownership (examples: vet records, Miami Dade tag registration, adoption contracts, microchip registration, etc). For owned animals: You must show proof of ownership (examples: vet records, Miami Dade tag registration, adoption contracts, microchip registration, etc). Our chatbot is currently in the test phase, and will be helpful to understand how Code Compliance works.