Activities that are normal and necessary to conduct bona fide agricultural operations in properly zoned areas are eligible for this exemption. Wetlands and Agricultural Wetlands can be found scattered throughout Hillsborough Township.As described in the Natural Resources Chapter, Hillsborough's Natural. Most farms are a passthrough entity. This means that the business itself does not pay income taxes, but the tax is passed through to the owner(s). Planning projects initiate or expand efforts of farmers, gardeners, citizens, government officials, schools, and other stakeholders in urban areas and suburbs. Animal Production Unit: Confinement of farm animals and pets other than dogs or cats for the purpose of production of products for consumption or other uses. Not only do property taxes add significantly to business costs for farmers, farms tend to pay more in property taxes than they require in public services. The listing of products and services are available to producers in the Hillsborough County, Florida area. In the event that a unique farm does not meet SADC criteria, the.