USDA offers a wide variety of programs and services, as well as special provisions for certain operations and producers. You can start any agricultural activity that suits the soil and grow cash crop or food crop.Use modern technology to the extent possible. Take a few minutes to define your goals. This will help you refine your business concept. Take time to visit a USDA Service Center and introduce yourself to staff at Natural Resource Conservation Service (NRCS) and Farm Service Agency (FSA). Agribusiness Is the Business Sector That Encompasses Farming and Related Commercial Activities, Such as Agricultural Machinery, Livestock, and Forestry. All agricultural production requires land, but the amount needed depends on the crop, cropping system, and scope of the operation. Texas farmers' markets provide another option for farmers, food producers, and other vendors to sell their products to the public. A rightofway easement for utility power lines also can limit landuse practices in the easement area.