1. Fill out a Complaint form. a. Near the top of the first page, write your name in the space above the word "Plaintiff".1. You (Plaintiff) complete and sign Affidavit of Consent and Waiver of Notice and make one copy of each. 3. If an individual wishes to file such a claim he must complete and file a "Civil Complaint" and serve the complaint upon the named. These sample forms may be useful when filing documents for the civil and family courts. If you have any questions, consult an attorney. Read this document before you begin a divorce action. The following document will help you identify the type of divorce case you want to pursue. (b)(1) Legal papers may be filed using the DCR's electronic filing system in the following file formats only: Portable Document Format (. To submit a complaint form, complete the complaint form and be sure to include as much information as possible.