Fill out the Request to Waive Court Fees (form FW-001). This is a confidential form that only the court will see.Request to Waive Court Fees (FW-001). To ask for a fee waiver:​​ Fill out the Request to Waive Court Fees (FW-001) . Fill out sections 1, 2, and 3, of Order on Court Fee Waiver (FW-003) . In this video we'll be going through the forms that you need to request a waiver of the court fees. In some cases, there is a fill-in-the-blanks Judicial Council form to use; in other cases, you must research and type your Complaint on 28-line pleading paper. A copy of the complaint is attached. This is not a summons, or an official notice from the court. The upper left corner of the first page of every paper presented for filing must contain each attorney's: name; office address; telephone number;.