On this site, you can use the Divorce Answer Form Assistant to fill out the forms you need to file with the Court. If spouses do not agree on whether to divorce or how to handle property, parenting and support issues, one spouse may file a Complaint for Divorce. Dissolution.In order to file, you must fill out detailed forms describing your income, expenses, what you own and any debts. Our forms are offered to give you an idea of what Domestic Relations Court documents look like. They can be printed for your own personal use. You could bypass all this if your spouse will endorse the final order of divorce. If you are using the Form CC-1406, para. Note: The Cuyahoga County Probate Court does not grant fee waivers for name changes. If you need to file some important forms, follow the instructions below. You might be able to reduce or avoid paying the filing fees up front with a "poverty affidavit" (or "affidavit of indigency").