If you have an extreme financial hardship and can't file for a divorce without financial help, you can apply for a fee waiver for the court fees. Fill in your full name as the Petitioner, and your spouse's full name as the Respondent.Do not fill in the Civil Action Case Number. It is an entry of appearance and waiver form that says I have received the petition and all statistical information in the waiver is correct. Read this document before you begin a divorce action. The following document will help you identify the type of divorce case you want to pursue. HERE ARE THE DETAILED INSTRUCTIONS ON HOW TO FILL OUT THE FORMS: STEP 1- Complete the attached sample form petition for annulment. Date, sign, and notarize the divorce paperwork that you completed. The spouse filing for divorce is called the Petitioner, and the other spouse is called the Respondent. The clerk will assign a number to your case when you file your Petition in the Clerk's Office.