Yes. Upon request, SERS will provide a form for Illinois income tax withholding on which you may elect any dollar amount. We are responsible for determining the eligibility of Illinois citizens to receive benefits under Social Security's disability programs.Use the following pages to complete your Illinois State and Federal income tax withholding, or W-4 information. The easiest and most secure option to start, stop or change your state income tax withholding (SITW) is to use myPay. The Attorney General's Disability Rights Bureau enforces state and federal laws that protect the rights of people with disabilities in Illinois. The Attorney General's Disability Rights Bureau enforces state and federal laws that protect the rights of people with disabilities in Illinois. For state withholding computation, refer to PPM Section H 110. What tools are available for employees to use when completing the new EAR form (STD 686)?. Indiana Illinois Michigan Kentucky. If you have checked one of these boxes, do NOT enter any amounts in the Wisconsin State Tax blocks.