To file a complaint, call 888-4-NYSDOL and choose the option for Labor Standards or ask to be connected to the Labor Standards Division. Next Section. Continue.The complaint is filed on behalf of three named complainants and all LEP workers in New York State who were eligible for unemployment. To request an overpayment waiver, log in to check your claim status. Waiver, log in to your UI Online account and fill out the application for a waiver, or call the Benefits Collection Department at (617) 626-6300. If you work in another state but reside in Maryland, you should file your claim in the state you work in. Before filing your claim or requesting benefits, read all instructions carefully. An initial claim is the first time you apply for unemployment in a new unemployment benefit year. Next, click on the "Withdraw Your Claim" link. The following screen will pop up and you can download the "Claim Withdrawal Request Form.".