A Fee Waiver is usually permanent unless your financial circumstances change during the course of this court action. The Clerk of the Superior Court now provides an electronic means for applying for the deferral and waiver of court fees.Form No. Instructions: How to Fill Out Papers for Dissolution of a Non-Covenant Marriage (Divorce) without Minor Children, DRDA10I. My wife filed for divorce and all of the paperwork is for Maricopa County. She lives in Pinal County and has residency there. If the parties agree on all issues in your case, you are allowed to submit a settlement and divorce decree to your judge after an initial 60-day waiting period. Find forms, legal resources, parent education and Divorce 101 information. To apply for a waiver, the plaintiff has to disclose their financial information and fill out the Request to Waive Court Fees. Check the venue for your claim on the court precinct map. You are responsible for filing your case in the correct court. 3.