The state of Florida provides information for eligible claimants on how to ask for a federal overpayment waiver, file an appeal or pay back overpayments. How do I file an appeal?Florida should increase the minimum duration of UI to 26 weeks, and eliminate the formula tying benefits to unemployment rates. Transparency in the process of filing a complaint strengthens trust between police agencies and community. Notice to Applicant: If you qualify for civil indigence, the filing and summons fees are waived; other costs and fees are not waived. 1. You may be eligible for Pandemic Unemployment Assistance under the CARES Act. APD Southern Region Office, 401 NW 2nd Avenue Suite South 811 Miami, FL 33128, Phone: (305) 349-1478, Fax: (305) 377-5028 Only when it clearly appears to be in the best interest of the minor will the waiver be approved. Cases filed in the civil division of the Clerk's Office fall either under the jurisdiction of County Court or Circuit Court. 443.091(1)(g) and is unemployed at the time of filing the claim.