If you have an extreme financial hardship and can't file for a divorce without financial help, you can apply for a fee waiver for the court fees. If you have an extreme financial hardship and can't file for a divorce without financial help, you can apply for a Fee Waiver of the court fees.The best way to file for divorce in the state of New York is with the help of an attorney. You can absolutely for an annulment in Nassau County, Suffolk Cty, in any county in the State of New York, so long as the jurisdictional requirements are met. Com to file for divorce in Nassau County. A filing fee is also required, although financial waivers may be available for those in hardship. The first thing you need to do if and when you get sued is file an Answer. Most courthouses have attorneys that help people fill out forms. The plaintiff files a complaint or summons with notice at the county clerk's office. Since it's uncontested, you can skip hiring lawyers and paying expensive legal fees.