NOW COMES the Defendant, waiving notice and answering the allegations contained in. Plaintiff's Complaint and says as follows: 1.When you receive a complaint for divorce in North Carolina, there's a 30 day waiting period before a decree. This post explains what to expect. This packet is designed for use with a video that provides step-by-step instructions on how to file for divorce in North Carolina without a lawyer. Your spouse may file a waiver of time to answer the complaint, after which you may contact the clerk to schedule the hearing for the divorce. You have filed the Complaint with the Court. Looking online at nccourts. You can also give up your right to have your spouse served and let the court decide if they should be notified of your divorce. You may file for a divorce yourself but if you want to make sure you won't waive any of your rights, it's best to consult with an NC divorce lawyer.