A filing fee is required to start or respond to a divorce or parentage action, but you may apply for a fee waiver if you have very low income. Fill out the Request to Waive Court Fees (form FW-001).This is a confidential form that only the court will see. No, you cannot mail documents to the court with any expectation that someone will respond or that your paperwork will be processed. If needed you can request a fee waiver from the court. Learn about the divorce process in Alameda County, California (CA). This guide covers legal requirements and filing procedures. If you cannot afford to pay the filing fees you may request that the costs, fees, and expenses associated with the divorce proceeding be waived. It is an entry of appearance and waiver form that says I have received the petition and all statistical information in the waiver is correct. 1. The first step is to file a Complaint for Divorce.