As an employer, you must withhold Ohio income tax from your employees' wages. With rare exception, employers that do business in Ohio are responsible for withholding Ohio individual income tax from their employees' pay.Direct deposit is required. State and federal tax withholding. Long-term disability (LTD) benefits provide income protection after a 90 calendar day waiting period when your extended disability prevents you from working. Submit form IT 4 to your employer on or before the start date of employment so your employer will withhold and remit Ohio income tax from your compensation. Each time you pay wages, you must withhold—or take out of your employees' pay—certain amounts for federal income tax, social security tax, and Medicare tax. The easiest and most secure option to start, stop or change your state income tax withholding (SITW) is to use myPay. Apply for tax exemption. Who is eligible for the Ohio Disabled Veteran Homestead Property Tax Relief?