If you have an extreme financial hardship and can't file for a divorce without financial help, you can apply for a Fee Waiver of the court fees. If you have an extreme financial hardship and can't file for a divorce without financial help, you can apply for a fee waiver for the court fees.Uncontested matrimonial actions can be e-filed at the New York State Courts Electronic. Com to file for divorce in Queens County. After you've filed for an uncontested divorce, your spouse should file an "Affidavit of Defendant in Action for Divorce. The divorce complaint must be "served on"—delivered to—your spouse after you file it with the court. The person dates and signs the form. Then, one of either a clerk, deputy clerk, or notary verify the identify of the person claiming to be the affiant. Intheblanks form required for any matter originating and electronically filed in Supreme or Surrogate's Courts in Richmond County. It is an entry of appearance and waiver form that says I have received the petition and all statistical information in the waiver is correct.