Declaratory judgment and injunction Order (Injunctive Relief) are different in nature but same in purpose. Defendants contend the use of an injunction is improper to prevent the execution of Department's duties over the facilities which it licenses and certifies.What is the difference between them? The standard answer is that the declaratory judgment is milder and the injunction is stronger. The court held that the contributions limit was unconstitutional and granted declaratory and injunctive relief to Plaintiffs. The Eleventh Circuit then held, in a different case, that a repeal of an unenforced law moots a nominaldamages claim. Declaratory Relief is a legal procedure designed for those seeking "preventive justice. " Specifically, its purpose is to "set controversies at rest. The en banc court reversed the district court's denial of a motion for a preliminary injunction in an action brought by. A declaratory judgment is a binding judgment from a court defining the legal relationship between parties and their rights in a matter before the court.