If you have an extreme financial hardship and can't file for a divorce without financial help, you can apply for a fee waiver for the court fees. If you have an extreme financial hardship and can't file for a divorce without financial help, you can apply for a Fee Waiver of the court fees.To obtain a copy of any divorce or matrimonial documents, please complete the form located on the Suffolk County Clerk's website here. Uncontested matrimonial actions can be e-filed at the New York State Courts Electronic. You must complete service within 120 days of filing your complaint with the court. If your spouse signs the Affidavit of Defendant, you can move forward. When filing a new case, the complaint and petition must always be filed first. There is then a requested preferred order for the additional filings to follow. Go to the Suffolk County Circuit Court and file your forms with the clerk. It is an entry of appearance and waiver form that says I have received the petition and all statistical information in the waiver is correct.