To file a complaint, call 888-4-NYSDOL and choose the option for Labor Standards or ask to be connected to the Labor Standards Division. Next Section. Continue.To receive unemployment insurance benefits, you need to file a claim with the unemployment insurance program in the state where you worked. You must have an active email account in order to file a claim. This glossary contains terms that are commonly used in New Jersey unemployment insurance benefit communications and notices. Important information about unemployment benefits, claims, appeals, overpayments, and taxes for claimants, employers, and third-party agents (TPAs). To request an overpayment waiver, log in to check your claim status. For questions or concerns about your UC claim, please call PAULA virtual assistance at (833) 755-0882. For questions or concerns about your UC claim, please call PAULA virtual assistance at (833) 755-0882. Gov or you may lose benefits.