Declaration sought to determine the insurance issues and appropriate relief. Purpose of a declaratory judgment action is to give parties guidance concerning their rights and obligations with respect to coverage.Insurer Files Declaratory Judgment Action: Charter Oak Fire Insurance Company sued High End Hotel, LLC in federal court (E. A declaratory judgment action is a type of lawsuit that allows businesses and individuals to seek a court's conclusive ruling on an uncertain legal issue. It appeals only from the denial of a jury trial on the coverage claim. The plaintiff, Liberty Mutual Insurance Company, brought this declaratory judgment action, pursuant to. The North Carolina Declaratory Judgment Act, N.C.G.S. § 1-253, et seq. , provides parties an "appropriate procedure for alleviating uncertainty in the. Plaintiff then amended his class action complaint to only seek a declaratory judgment regarding an open price term in the hospital's patient consent form. In addition, under North Carolina law, State Board actions are subject to challenge in the General Court of Justice of North Carolina.