Amharic Version Annex 10, Written Agreement Form. The Alameda County 2020-21 Early Care and Education Needs Assessment provides a robust, extensive narrative of child care in Alameda County.Frequently asked questions about alcoholic beverage licenses, license transfers, micro-enterprise home kitchens, and the online beer price posting system. Frequently asked questions about alcoholic beverage licenses, license transfers, micro-enterprise home kitchens, and the online beer price posting system. There is currently one vacancy located in the Behavioral Health Department's Office of Family Empowerment. Approval of the subcontractor may, at the option of City, be issued in the form of a Work Order. MAPLA promotes local hiring and creates a pipeline into stable, good-quality jobs. Fill out the form and fax it to CHCN at 5102970222. 7. This is a countywide job classification and can be used to fill vacancies throughout the county. (v) The contract line items are listed in the attached price schedule of the solicitation package.