Complete this form and bring it with the license plates, if any, to any Motor Vehicles office. I certify that I, or the firm, company, or corporation I am authorized to represent, am the legal owner within the meaning of California Vehicle Code.Victim must come to APD for release form and take form to recovering agency to pick up vehicle. 3. Complete a 73s in ARS. 4. Local Forms, Adoption Forms, Family Law Forms, Juvenile Forms, Probate and Court Investigator's Forms, Small Claims Forms, Traffic Forms Download newest version of Alameda County Form • Modify, complete, and send online • Large list of various forms and templates. Who needs to fill out this form? Lenders, auction houses, and individuals involved in vehicle repossession must complete this form. Deadline for filing your Answer to a debt collection summons and complaint; Most relevant official Answer form available in that state.