"Do you swear or affirm that the contents of this document are true and correct? If so, please state 'I do swear' or 'I do affirm.Many states allow notaries to make certified copies of documents as long as the original document is not a publicly recorded document. Can you certify a copy in your state? You can use ChatGPT to create sample motions. Quickest, cheapest, and simplest way to get a certified copy of articles of organization or incorporation from the Arizona Secretary of State. Pennsylvania Notaries must compare the original passport and the copy to confirm that the copy is a complete and accurate reproduction of the original. A notary may make a photocopy of the client's document, then write or fill out the "True Copy" notarial certificate, then put their signature and the stamp. A notary performs a notary copy certification when they verify that a copy of an original document is a true, correct, and complete copy. This Petition and accompanying papers are ONLY to request correction of errors or omissions (items left "blank") that appear on an Arizona birth certificate.