People file bankruptcy for many reasons. Find out more about bankruptcy and payday loans, student loans, credit cards, repossessions, and more.If you have a general question you can contact our Consumer Assistance helpline and speak with one of our Investigators 1-800-538-1579. Self-Help Legal Information Packets are provided for the benefit of justice courts and individuals seeking access to justice through the court system. If you don't make your car payments on time, your lender might have the right to take your car without going to court or telling you first. This manual walks readers through the entire process of debt collection as well as provides templates for commonly used legal forms. You can also file a complaint with your state attorney general or consumer protection office . How a repossession affects your credit. Falling behind on car payments affects your credit, and this can make it harder or more expensive to get loans in the future. People file bankruptcy for many reasons.