As shown in the sample Answer below. The Answer is your response to the Summons and Complaint and tells the court your defenses or reasons why the mortgage Lender must not win the case.Learn how how to file a complaint against a regulated entity. Writing an Answer can be tricky, but you can use this free and confidential online program to help. The first row in the file is on the foreclosure details for the Index Number. If you are a homeowner facing foreclosure, call the Foreclosure Prevention Project at 718-298-8979 for Queens and 646-340-1908 for the Bronx. A fillintheblank answer form is available to answer the complaint (the "pro se answer form"), with instructions on how to complete the form. An answer usually includes a general denial of the plaintiff's claims, as well as any counterclaims you want to file or a motion to dismiss the action. You need to find the. "docket sheet" to find out the status of your foreclosure.