I did not receive the notice "Help for Homeowners in Foreclosure" that was supposed to be served with Foreclosure Summons and Complaint (NY Real Property. This usually occurs after the borrower misses one or more mortgage payments.Step 1 requires a filing within three business days after mailing a 90-day pre-foreclosure notice and is designed to capture the most relevant information. 120day waiting period. Before filing for foreclosure, the lender or loan servicer must wait until you are 120 days late in your payments. If you have an interest in a property, you can register with the Department of Finance to receive a Notice of Foreclosure for an In Rem property or properties. The foreclosure process in New York can take 3 to 5 years on average for a contested foreclosure, meaning the borrower responded. Notice out-of-date information or see a program you work for? In order to initiate a foreclosure, the bank or lender needs to send you a 90-day notice at least 90 days before starting the case. After I receive a notice of entry for foreclosure when do i have to get out.