Car Repossession and Replevin If you aren't paying off your car loan, creditors will take the car back through a process called repossession. In a replevin action, the plaintiff seeks the return of property, not money damages.You must hand over the car to the lender once a replevin order has been issued and served on you. You need to file for replevin in court. You will need to present evidence that the order is warranted. The only issue is the right of the lienholder of the vehicle, Ford Motor Credit Company, to replevin of the vehicle to satisfy its perfected security interest. If a car loan lender can't repossess a vehicle, it will probably get possession of the car through a process called "replevin." Generally, filing for bankruptcy within days of the repossession can help you get your car back in New York. I understand your concern. Printing out the paper alone doesn't grant you the right to retrieve the vehicle directly.