The following are guidelines to help you formulate a repossession policy for the credit union to follow. Learn more about New York's repossession laws, what New York repo agents can and cannot do, and what happens after the car is taken away.Complete this form and bring it with the license plates, if any, to any Motor Vehicles office. Our website makes it easy - you can fill out a pre-qualification form, use our payment estimator, and more! Is your car about to be repossessed in Queens? Call our vehicle repossession lawyer at the Law Office of Seni Popat today for dedicated legal support. The lender or leaseholder can repossess the car even if you are only a few weeks behind in your payments and even without any notice to you. Bad credit financing can be possible even with a less than perfect score. Take a few minutes to fill out our online credit application. Contact Law Offices of David Brodman for Chapter 7 Bankruptcy guidance in the Bronx.