Name and Address of Repossessor. The following are guidelines to help you formulate a repossession policy for the credit union to follow.Repossession of motor vehicle or motorcycle; garageman's lien; notice to police. 1. Notice of Lending forms can be purchased at stationery stores that carry legal forms. Learn about repossession laws from the NYC Bar Legal Referral Service. Find an attorney in New York. This article covers how vehicle repossession works in New York state and what your rights are as a New Yorker. This page breaks down the rules, requirements, and deadlines you need to follow to file a New York mechanics lien. Any personal property left in the repossessed vehicle will be held for thirty (30) days from the date of the mailing of this notice. Repo's Allowed: After 20 day "Right to Cure" letter from lienholder to debtor, repossession allowed without committing a breach of peace.