Plaintiff - Party(ies) Initially Bringing Suit Should Be Entered First - Enter Additional Plaintiffs on Separate Form. Individual. Writs of replevin may be made returnable to the proper court of another county where the property may be found.A replevin is basically the repossession of collateral (ie: vehicle, furniture, etc) that could not be done without breaching the peace. The writ of replevin shall be in the following form, to-wit: "State of Mississippi. Your hearing date will be set at least sixty (60) days out from the date of filing your case. Comes now plaintiff and files this Declaration and Affidavit in Replevin against defendant(s), and would show unto the Court the following facts to wit:. (Southern District of Mississippi,. Jackson Division, Mize, D. J., Mar. It should be gently beaten out on a wooden block or a sandbag into a shallow dish form.