Fill out the following form. You are the "Plaintiff.Landlord seeks a judgment for possession for the additional or alternative reason(s) stated in the notices attached to this complaint. Complaint, you, or your attorney, must file a written Answer to the Verified Complaint and proof of service within thirtyfive. Initial Document Filed Verified Complaint for Divorce. New jersey legal forms civil court familiy court and court. Get expert advice on filing a verified complaint form in New Jersey, including landlordtenant disputes and pursuing owed amounts. County Court Miscellaneous Forms ; Form 6: Complaint For Landlord To Evict Tenants For Failure To Comply With Rental Agreement (Other Than Failure To Pay Rent) Learn more about each step below. The interrogatories must not exceed 30, including all subparts, unless the court permits a larger number on motion and notice and for good cause.