I certify that I, or the firm, company, or corporation I am authorized to represent, am the legal owner within the meaning of California Vehicle Code. The total processing time for a company application is approximately 4 months provided the application is complete and contains no deficiencies.Undergraduate students must wait to receive their financial aid summary before they submit the form. Graduate students may complete the form at any time. Who needs to fill out this form? Lenders, auction houses, and individuals involved in vehicle repossession must complete this form. Instructions on how to complete each form and where to send completed forms are within each individual form. Here you will find valuable tools for the credit professional, including links to training resources, online education, useful forms and timely publications. Follow these tips on how to write a personal statement for grad school to get your application to the top of the admissions pile. Federal loans provide the option to cover tuition and fees as well as living expenses associated with completing a graduate degree.