Notaries in California CANNOT certify copies of vital records, court documents, and any publicly recordable documents. 1. Gather original document and required information.A certified copy of a document is a duplicate of document that has been authenticated as genuine copy of the original. By Douglas Wade, Attorney. If you are an e-filer in a case, you should only manually file a document if it cannot be e-filed for some reason, such as the instances described below. The custodian makes a photocopy of the original document, makes a written statement that the copy is true. Move one screen to the left, right. The CTRL button will be down near the spacebar on the right or left side (most keyboards have 2 of them). The charges made for the original keyboarding of the manuscript, printing out the draft copy, editing, and printing out a final copy are nontaxable. , each person must complete and sign a form.