After repossessing your car, the creditor must send you a notice of the repossession and an Affidavit of Defense within three days. Understanding Illinois car repossession laws a comprehensive guide to your rights and available options.In Illinois, a vehicle can be repossessed after just one missed payment. Lenders are allowed to seize your car as soon as you default on the loan terms. Illinois laws do not require creditors to send you a notice of repossession before taking possession of your vehicle. Notifies the debtor of your intent to repossess; Identifies the reason for repossession; Declares whether you intend to resell the vehicle; and. In Illinois, creditors are allowed to conduct a repossession without sending a pre-repossession notice to the consumer. The purchaser must submit: • Application for Vehicle Title and Registration (if applicable) and appropriate fee. In Illinois, the lender can repossess your vehicle only if you miss one installment payment on your auto loan. In other words, if the creditor's notice is placed in the mail on January 1st, the creditor could not repossess your vehicle until January 16th.